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Digital Wittgenstein scholarship Media Wiki

Dieses Wiki dient der gemeinsamen Kommunikation zur Vorbereitung und zur Realisation unserer Sommerschule in München am 25. und 26.7.

Hauptbearbeiter Erstellt von Max Hadersbeck

Mitautoren Hier sollen sich alle eintragen, die an diesem Wiki Informationen beitragen.

Max Hadersbeck, Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, maximilian@cis.uni-muenchen.de
Alois Pichler, Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen (WAB), alois.pichler@fof.uib.no

die Vorrede

An idea from Alois led to the title: “Digital Wittgenstein Schoolarship” and I had the idea to enlarge it to some kind of “interdisciplinary summer school”, because students from me and from the Philosophy Department want to take part in this meeting and they want to study and discuss with us.


Max Hadersbeck

Hotel und Übernachtung

Wer möchte von wann bis wann ein Hotel: Vorschlag: Das Hotel Antares (www.antares-garni.de) hat in der Zeit 3 EZ frei. Das EZ kostet pro Nacht € 72,00. Das ist ein Vertragspreis mit der Uni.

Wer von wann bis wann: Welches Zimmer
Alois Beispiel Einzelzimmer
Beispiel Beispiel
Beispiel Beispiel

bisher eingeladene Sprecher (alphabetisch!!)

Alois Pichler (Wittgenstein Source/Bergen Norwegen)

Wittgenstein Nachlass usw. ...

Alessio Piccioli (Net7, PISA)

Shows us your ideas, knowledge around your “Wittgenstein-Source” and other very interesting implementations which I saw for example on your Homepage.

Joseph Wang und Ulrich Lobis (Brennerarchiv Innsbruck)

To show us and tell about the “letter-correspondence” of L. Wittgenstein, which is processed in Innsbruck.

Joseph Rothhaupt (Department Philosophie LMU)

Tells us about the demands and questions from the philosophers to our Digital-Programs and WEB-Interfaces.

Studierende (alphabetisch)

Shunagjiao Cao

Search with Local Grammars and Graphs

Florian Fink '

The programmer of wittfind:  wittfind.cis.uni-muenchen.de

Angela Krey

Semantic System of Colors in the Big Typescript 

Matthias Lindinger

Highlighting in the facsimilies of the Big Typescript

Patrick Seebauer

Working with XML and alternatives  

Ludmilla Volos '


Das Programm

Zeit Thema
25.7. morning: opening sessions with the students: every speaker gives an overview of the work in their departments, and shows implementations online.
25.7. afternoon: for everyone an “official” speech and discussion about personal actual research topics in the department and online demonstrations of the most important work.
25.7. evening: culture-event
26.7. morning and afternoon: continuing the work with students and colleagues in consecutive detailed workshops about projects, programs and ideas in the departments of the speaker and development of ideas about future collaboration!
26.7. morning and afternoon: continuing the work with students and colleagues in consecutive detailed workshops about projects, programs and ideas in the departments of the speaker and development of ideas about future collaboration!

This is a first idea, which can be discussed, enlarged with new ideas so it will be a nice, fruitful and friendly atmosphere, which can lead to new cooperation!