This WIKI Page describes the STEPs to transfrom the XML-WAB Format into a restricted CISWAB format of Wittgensteins Nachlass pages.
our new ideas : Okt 2013
- Our Input file for our Search-Machine must be XML-TEI conformant.
- You change the TAGs of our CISWAB DTD into TEI-Conformant XML-Tags, so it is TEI-conformant.
- You transform the very complex XML-File from Alois (see TS213_100-103.xml) directly to our CISWAB-XML File.
- We don't need the .html File from before and can throw away our PERL Programs.
- We write a xslt-Stylesheet to output the HITS (it is now XML-Text) of our search machine into a HTML output, which is displayed in the browser.
All Mathematical Notations
are signed specially with: <notation>, you call it: <seg type="notation">
Is <seg> exclusively for Notations, otherwise it needs an attribute?
I found a notation: <seg type="notation">~p</seg>,
ana Attribute
This is a very good idea from you:
ana="f:Ts-213,100r abnr:621 satznr:1545">
SPACE Problems
Spaces are a big problem: They should be present in the XML-File, but usually overridden from the Parser. So we decided former to replace every Space with the XML-Tag. <sp\>: For example: Ich<sp/><sp/>gehe.
I have no idea, if it is allowed in TEI, or they have better ideas. Maybe you find a better solution!
„denn es <choice> <seg>ist</seg><seg>klingt</seg></choice>“
We call it and can rename it! <alternative> <alt>ist</alt><alt>klingt</alt></alternative>